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Škoda, Türkiye'deki satış adedini %72,3 oranında arttırmış

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Škoda, Türkiye'deki satış adedini %72,3 oranında arttırmış

Škoda thoroughly continuing on a growth curve
Škoda Auto continues its international growth curve and has again considerably increased its sales in October as compared to last year. The Czech manufacturer achieved the fourth best sales result in a single month ever.
In the first ten months of 2010, worldwide deliveries grew a total of 11.9 percent to 638,200 units (January-October 2009: 570,200). In the growth markets of Russia, India and China, Škoda Auto has already exceeded the figures for all of last year.
"Škoda continues to step on the accelerator worldwide", emphasized Prof. Dr. h.c. Winfried Vahland, the chairman of the board of Škoda Auto a.s. "In the first ten months of this year, we have shown significant growth and improved our position in almost all markets. Thus, we are fully on track with regard to our goal of doubling our sales until the year 2020."
The manufacturer was able to significantly expand its leading position in the home market of the Czech Republic. Until October, the market share rose to 34.8 percent (last year: 32.6 percent), primarily because of the high demand for the models Yeti and Superb Combi. Overall, Škoda Auto delivered 48,800 vehicles to customers (January-October 2009: 45,400) in the Czech Republic in the first ten months of the year. This corresponds to a gain of 7.5 percent compared to the previous year.
Škoda Auto also recorded high growth in the other markets of Central and Eastern Europe. In the Ukraine (+9.7 percent), Hungary (+11.9 percent), Slovenia (+19.6 percent), or Serbia (+22.9 percent), both deliveries as well as market shares increased.
In Western Europe (excluding Germany), the Czech brand increased deliveries by almost a quarter (+24.4 percent). Škoda increased its market shares in all Western European countries (excluding Germany).
In the growth countries of India, China, and Russia, the dynamic growth remained unchanged.
In these markets, Škoda Auto has already exceeded the delivery levels of the entire year of 2009.
In India, deliveries grew 31.6 percent to 15,900 vehicles in the first ten months (January-October 2009: 12,100). In China, Škoda Auto delivered a further 18,300 vehicles to customers in October. Thus, the brand achieved a growth of 59.7 percent between January and October and a new sales record of 152,800 vehicles on the largest automobile market of the world (95,700). In Russia, too, Škoda Auto is growing significantly faster than the overall market. With 38,000 units sold (27,600),
the company achieved a sales plus of 37.6 percent in the first ten months.
In other markets outside of Europe, Škoda Auto’s development also continues to be extremely successful. In Egypt (+137.2 percent), Turkey (+72.3 percent), Israel (+65.8 percent), and Australia (+45.5 percent), the brand registered high growth rates.
Deliveries to customers in October 2010 (Škoda models in comparison with October 2009):
Octavia (30,300 vehicles / +14.0 percent), Fabia (20,400 vehicles / -18.7 percent), Superb (9,000 vehicles / +108.8 percent), Yeti (4,800 vehicles / +157.3 percent), Roomster (2,500 vehicles / -40.5 percent), Octavia Tour (2,100 vehicles / -37.6 percent).
Eğitimli insanlar topluma borçludurlar. Bir işin nasıl yapılabileceğini biliyorken bir başkasının yapamadığını görüp susmaları kendilerini yetiştiren o topluma ihanettir.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
M.Niyazi Saral

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Yeni yüzler bu satışı iyi arttırdı..Açıkçası şimdi bu tasarımlara diyecek bir laf yok.Gerçekten güzel görünüyorlar..
2004 Skoda Fabia 1.2 HTP
2007 Skoda Roomster 1.2 HTP
2011 Skoda Fabia II 1.2 HTP  
2012 Fiat Doblo Cargo maxi 1.3 Mjet
2015 Ford Courier Van 1.5 TDCI

Çevrimdışı isikayhan

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satış ve pazarlama politikasında 2009 öncesine göre biraz olumlu değişiklik var bence
ara sıra tv'de reklamlar da çıkmaya başladı
yeni makyjlanmış modellerin etkisi de var elbette :)
Eğitimli insanlar topluma borçludurlar. Bir işin nasıl yapılabileceğini biliyorken bir başkasının yapamadığını görüp susmaları kendilerini yetiştiren o topluma ihanettir.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
M.Niyazi Saral

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Artış oranı %90'a çıkmış


Škoda Auto will achieve a new sales record
As per the end of November, more cars have already been sold than in the entire year of 2009. The threshold of 700,000 sales has been shattered, deliveries increased 12.3 percent.

In 2010, Škoda Auto will sell more cars than ever in a single year. With a plus of 12.3 percent and 702,400 sold units after eleven months, the Czech manufacturer has already exceeded the previous year’s total (January to December 2009: 684,200) and has shattered the threshold of 700,000 delivered vehicles for the first time ever. In November alone, the brand had a worldwide increase of 15.8 percent and sold 64,200 vehicles (November 2009: 55,000 units). In doing so, Škoda Auto recorded high double-digit gains in the growth markets China, India, and Russia in particular.

“Škoda is clearly accelerating and has every chance to grow at a double-digit rate this year”, emphasizes Jürgen Stackmann, board member for Sales and Marketing of Škoda Auto. “With the strong growth in November, we’re on track to achieve our sales forecast of 750,000 sold vehicles this year. That is a more than solid basis for our ambitious growth objectives for the coming years.”

On its home market of the Czech Republic, the company was once again able to expand its leading position. The market share rose to 34.3 percent in November (last year: 32.9 percent). Overall, the company sold 53,400 vehicles in the Czech Republic in the first eleven months of the year (January-November 2009: 50,800). This corresponds to a growth rate of 5.1 percent compared to the previous year. High increases were recorded for the Octavia Combi and the Superb Combi. Furthermore, the first models of the second generation Octavia Tour were delivered.

In Central and Eastern Europe, too, Škoda Auto continued to improve its position. In the Ukraine (+15.9 percent), Hungary (+11.4 percent), Slovenia (+18.8 percent), Estonia (+17.5 percent), or Serbia (+24.4 percent), deliveries as well as market shares rose.

In Western Europe (without Germany), Škoda Auto also gained market shares. In Ireland (+107.0 percent), the Netherlands (+92.1 percent), Finland (+52.6 percent), or Great Britain (+23.1 percent), the manufacturer achieved significant increases.

The markets of India, China, and Russia continue to grow at a fast pace. In all three countries, Škoda Auto has recorded a high double-digit sales plus. In India, deliveries rose 33.3 percent to 17,800 vehicles in the first eleven months (January-November 2009: 13,300). In China, Škoda Auto is 56.2 percent ahead of the previous year’s level, with 167,000 units sold to date this year (last year: 106,900). In Russia, 41,500 vehicles were sold (last year: 30,100), a plus of 37.9 percent.

Škoda Auto also recorded high growth rates in other emerging markets: For example, in Egypt (+154.4 percent), in Turkey (+90.0 percent), in Israel (+58.4 percent), and in Australia (+32.1 percent).

Deliveries to customers in November 2010 (Škoda models compared with November 2009):
Octavia (27,000 vehicles / +28.9 percent), Fabia (19,500 vehicles / -0.7 percent), Superb (8,700 vehicles / +59.2 percent), Yeti (4,500 vehicles / +75.5 percent), Roomster (2,900 vehicles / -12.2 percent), Octavia Tour (1.800 vehicles / -51.6 percent).
Eğitimli insanlar topluma borçludurlar. Bir işin nasıl yapılabileceğini biliyorken bir başkasının yapamadığını görüp susmaları kendilerini yetiştiren o topluma ihanettir.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
M.Niyazi Saral

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Şubat 2011'de geçen yılın aynı ayına göre Türkiye'de Skoda'nı elde ettiği artış % 290,4 oranında olmuş.


Škoda gains quarter in 1st two months of 2011

Other individual markets also developed very positively in February: Turkey stood out with a growth rate of 290.4 percent, Israel with 55.8 percent, and Australia with 27.1 percent.
Eğitimli insanlar topluma borçludurlar. Bir işin nasıl yapılabileceğini biliyorken bir başkasının yapamadığını görüp susmaları kendilerini yetiştiren o topluma ihanettir.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
M.Niyazi Saral

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2011 Mart'taki artış oranı %97,4 olmuş:

March 2011 best month ever for ŠKODA

Other individual non-European markets also experienced a very positive development in March: Standing out in particular are ŠKODA’s sales in Turkey (plus 97.4 percent), in Israel (plus 21.8 percent), and in Australia with an even 100 percent growth.
Eğitimli insanlar topluma borçludurlar. Bir işin nasıl yapılabileceğini biliyorken bir başkasının yapamadığını görüp susmaları kendilerini yetiştiren o topluma ihanettir.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
M.Niyazi Saral

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Nisan ayında geçen yıla göre Türkiye'deki satış artışı %64,7 olmuş

ŠKODA continues its expansion in April
Sales rise almost 24 percent worldwide. 78,200 vehicles sold mean the best April sales result ever. Best monthly result was achieved in Russia.
ŠKODA has continued its expansion in April and is extending its growth course. With 78,200 deliveries to customers, worldwide sales rose 23.7 percent in April 2011, compared to the same month of last year (April 2010: 63,200 vehicles). With that, the Czech automobile manufacturer achieved the best April sales result in its history. It also means that ŠKODA has sold 295,300 vehicles in the first four months of the year (January - April 2010: 242,100 units). That corresponds to a plus of 22 percent. In April, the brand also posted a new monthly sales record in Russia.
“We are very satisfied with the sales figures,” explained Jürgen Stackmann, the ŠKODA board member for sales and marketing. “With a growth of almost one quarter in the first four months we have sent a clear message and are fully on course regarding our growth strategy. Contributions to this result did not just come from the growth regions either. We are stronger than ever on the European market and have won many new customers.”
On the home market of the Czech Republic, ŠKODA was able to increase its sales to a total of more than 19,000 units in the first four months of 2011. In April, the manufacturer sold 4,900 vehicles in a declining overall market. By far the top-selling ŠKODA models were the Octavia and the Fabia. In April, the brand also achieved high growth rates in other markets of Central and Eastern Europe. In Romania, sales increased 20.9 percent, in Poland 15.6 percent, and in the Ukraine 81.5 percent.
On the Western European market, ŠKODA grew almost 10 percent in April. Compared to the previous year, sales rose 9.6 percent to 32,100 units. Particularly outstanding were deliveries in the Netherlands with a plus of 83.3 percent and in Belgium with a plus of 26.8 percent. In Switzerland, sales rose 6.4 percent. In the Scandinavian countries, too, ŠKODA made good progress in April: In Finland the brand recorded a plus of 17.6 percent. In both Sweden and Norway, the growth was above 3 percent.
The situation of the Czech manufacturer in the growth markets of Russia, India, and China continues very dynamically. Again, sales showed a clear double-digit growth. With a plus of 40.5 percent and 5,900 sold vehicles, ŠKODA achieved its best ever monthly sales record in Russia. In China, the brand achieved its second-best month ever. Here, deliveries rose 66.2 percent to 20,100 units in April (April 2010: 12,100 vehicles). The most popular models on the Chinese market were the Octavia (plus 123.3 percent) and the Superb (plus 43.3 percent). In India, ŠKODA’s sales figures pointed straight up as well and were 71.7 percent above those of the same month of last year, with 2,200 vehicles. Sales of the Fabia alone rose about 160 percent on the subcontinent.
Other non-European markets experienced a very positive development in April as well: Particularly noteworthy were Turkey (plus 64.7 percent), Israel (plus 75.9 percent), and Australia (plus 89.2 percent), among others.
Deliveries to customers in April 2011 (ŠKODA models compared to April 2010):
Octavia (34,500 vehicles/plus 37.4 percent)
Fabia (23,100 vehicles/plus 20.1 percent)
Superb (10,700 vehicles/plus 26.0 percent)
Yeti (5,800 vehicles/plus 33.1 percent)
Roomster (2,900 vehicles/plus 13.6 percent)
Eğitimli insanlar topluma borçludurlar. Bir işin nasıl yapılabileceğini biliyorken bir başkasının yapamadığını görüp susmaları kendilerini yetiştiren o topluma ihanettir.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
M.Niyazi Saral

Çevrimdışı mygokhan

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Roomster az satıyor yav..
2004 Skoda Fabia 1.2 HTP
2007 Skoda Roomster 1.2 HTP
2011 Skoda Fabia II 1.2 HTP  
2012 Fiat Doblo Cargo maxi 1.3 Mjet
2015 Ford Courier Van 1.5 TDCI

Çevrimdışı lrfan

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    • http://www.skodaturkey.com
Alıntı yapılan: mygokhan;230198
Roomster az satıyor yav..

1 ayda 2900 tane satılmış...

Çevrimdışı mygokhan

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Alıntı yapılan: lrfan;230200
1 ayda 2900 tane satılmış...

Alımı daha zor ve pahalı olan modellerin daha fazla satması yüzünden az satmış dedim.SuperB ve Yeti Skoda'nın pahalı modelleri ancak Roomster'dan fazla satmışlar.

Fiat grubundan yeni bravo' nun grande punto'dan fazla satması gibi birşey bu..
2004 Skoda Fabia 1.2 HTP
2007 Skoda Roomster 1.2 HTP
2011 Skoda Fabia II 1.2 HTP  
2012 Fiat Doblo Cargo maxi 1.3 Mjet
2015 Ford Courier Van 1.5 TDCI

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Alıntı yapılan: mygokhan;230198
Roomster az satıyor yav..

YETI'den sonra Roomster'ın işi zor :(
Eğitimli insanlar topluma borçludurlar. Bir işin nasıl yapılabileceğini biliyorken bir başkasının yapamadığını görüp susmaları kendilerini yetiştiren o topluma ihanettir.
Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.
M.Niyazi Saral