Fulsur üreticisiyle yapmış oldugum yazısmalar aşagıdadır:
Aaron Huang
18/12/04 16:35
NO for 4-100AH battery can repair. for lower voltage battery.
18/12/04 00:48
as i understan that the product is just suitable for my battery to be charged for normal charging, not for repair. but I can repair the batteries whom capacity lower than 30Ah as well. am I right?
Aaron Huang
18/12/04 00:39
When I need to us repair mode:
1. small battery: 4-30AH
2. don't can save the power battery.
3. too old battery
4. low voltage battery.
how many Volts and Amps it gives to batteries at the repair mode:
Charge - stop - charge stop.
small current and high voltage
Hi Sir,
Could you let me know about details for repair mode.
When I need to use and How can I understand to use repair mode on my Mal-Moll brand 5TA915105B, 12V, 70AH, 420A DIN, 700A EN, EFB+ model battery.
Also please let me know how many Volts and Amps it gives to batteries at the repair mode?