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Ziyaretçi · 37 · 10030

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Çevrimdışı mygokhan

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Alıntı yapılan: hakanerdogan;77493
Ya ben bir Çinli ile baya muhabbet ettim, MSN'imi falan aldı. Aslında bu adamlar hayatlarından pek memnun değillermiş, çok kalabalık varmış ve işsizlik oldukça hat safhada imiş ve bu yüzden ucuzmuş işçilik.

Aylık ortalama ücret 300$ civarı imiş ve bu Çin'e 1500-2000 dolarla gidip kırallar gibi orayı gezmeniz demek. 1000 USD bile yeter dedi Zhi can :)

Diyom niye dandik mal üretiyonuz, diyo ki valla o kadar çok şey üretiyoz ki dandiğide var ama aklının alamayacağı kadar iyi teknolojimizde var diyo. Bende OK dedim :D :D

Birde Amerikadan bi kızla konuştuk, içim parçalandı, Brezilyalı bi adam geldi onada Skodanın Brezilya'daki yerini sordum, valla hiç bilmiyom dedi, arabamı gösterdim, uuuvvfsss halk tabakası için çok lüks falan dedi. Kıymetini bil bilmem ne.

Türkiyem güzel yer mi ne yav? Dahada sevmeye başladım.

Valla şöyle konuşmaları anlayabilmek için kurs murs ve varsa yapacağım..

Daha önceleri bir tane çinli ile konuşuyordum.Kadınla bayağı konuşuyordum ama tabi kısıtlı ingilizce ile çok zorlanıyordum.

Biraz daha bu şekilde bilgileri bize aktarmanı istiyorum Hakanım..Özellikle czech republic vatandaşı olursa iyi olur..:D
2004 Skoda Fabia 1.2 HTP
2007 Skoda Roomster 1.2 HTP
2011 Skoda Fabia II 1.2 HTP  
2012 Fiat Doblo Cargo maxi 1.3 Mjet
2015 Ford Courier Van 1.5 TDCI


  • Ziyaretçi
Boston Universitesinden 20 yaşında bi kız, kötü bi aile yaşantısı olmuş ama iyi muhabbet ettik :)

You benim.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello

You: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: 21 male

You: you?

Stranger: 20 female

You: where are you from

Stranger: usa

Stranger: you?

You: Turkey

Stranger: thats so cool!!

You: why?

Stranger: idk it just is lol

You: :)

You: where are you in USA?

Stranger: massachusetts

Stranger: so the east

You: ...................

Stranger: i love chicago its so pretty there

You: i don't know, I'll see :)

Stranger: i want to move there its clean and easy to figure outhow to get somewhere

You: yes they say

You: public transportation is good there

Stranger: yea it is

You: are you student?

Stranger: yea i go to BU

You: B..... University???

Stranger: sorry boston university

You: oh great

You: what do you study?

Stranger: art

Stranger: are you a student?

You: yep, University, I study economics

Stranger: thats cool

You: are you american?

Stranger: yea i am born in MA

Stranger: ..massachusetts

You: understand :)

Stranger: mhm so...

You: whats your name?

Stranger: grace

Stranger: wats urs?

You: Hakan, nice to meet you Grace

Stranger: nice to meet you hakan :)

You: never had a friend named like this before :)

You: do you live with your family

Stranger: haha me neither

Stranger: no i hate my family

You: why? this is not good :(

Stranger: well i grew up with 7 older brothers...not fun at all...and then my cousins lived next door and my grandparents were down the street and it was so crazy all the time

You: I understand. but it's no reason to hate your family

Stranger: well i was the youngest and when my parents got divorced everything when down the toilet

You: oh sorry to hear that

You: how old were you when they divorced

Stranger: 10 my brothers got into drugs and my mom became an alcoholic

You: oh my god.

You: I think you didn't deserve this

Stranger: yea it was bad so when i turned 18 i got the hell away from it

You: don't you visit them?

Stranger: every christmas and easter

Stranger: and sometimes during the summer

You: have you got a house?

Stranger: i have my dorm

You: :)

You: far f rom school?

Stranger: not really

You: they say that every American Uni student has a car. Do you have?

Stranger: yea its really crappy though but i'll licve

Stranger: **live

You: do you have a job?

Stranger: im a waitress

You: in which restaurant?

Stranger: legal seafood

You: ...............

Stranger: minnimum wage plus tips

You: how much is thi min. wage? 7$  ?

Stranger: yea $7

You: what time is it there?

Stranger: 3:11

Stranger: pm

You: what kind of art do you study? what will you do after you graduate?

Stranger: well im going to do an internship and i'm going to be a painter

You: good, I hope you'll be a succesful painter

Stranger: thanks :)

You: If you don't mind, do you have a facebook ?

Stranger: no i dont i dont have anything i dont even have a computer this is just my friends

You: okay. why don't you buy one? is expensive for you?

Stranger: yea i cant afford it

Stranger: :(

You: sorry to hear that. I hope you will buy

Stranger: haha thanks :)

You: do you have a boyfriend?

Stranger: yea i've been going out with him for 3 months

You: thats great

Stranger: do you have a girlfriend

You: splitted up

Stranger: aaww im sorry :(

You: nevermind

You: she was the gunpowder, I was the fire

You: (Turkish idiom)

Stranger: oh okay

You: What about your dad?

You: Don't you see him?

You: dont you  ask him to buy a laptop for you

Stranger: i havnt seen him since i was 10 he just walked out on us

You: such a shame.

Stranger: he was always a dick thi

Stranger: **tho

You: what was his job?

Stranger: well he was a bartender and so was my mom thats how they met but my dad got fired and he would drink and would start hitting us

You: must be a hard life

Stranger: yea it was but things are turning up :)

You: right, don't be like your family, I'm sure you won't.

Stranger: i will never be like my family

You: Have yu ever heard about Turkey ?

You: **you

Stranger: well i know its a country in europe...?

You: yep, between Europe and Asia.

You: both :)

Stranger: :) ahahaha wat about your family?

You: .......

You: ı have two little sisters

Stranger: thats cool

Stranger: oh hahaha that must be fun having two sisters

You: sure.

You: little one is 2 years old

Stranger: aaww :) cute

Stranger: wat about the other one

You: she is :)

You: the other one is 6 years old :)

You: just started to school

Stranger: aaww :) i always wanted a little sister

You: :)

You: sometimes they pisses me off

Stranger: yea i would imagine

You: I am 21, they are 2-6 ....

Stranger: ahaha do u have to play dolls with them?

You: sometimes...

Stranger: oh hahaha that must be fun

You: they get on me, hmmm think like riding a horse, ı am the horse

You: I hope I could tell :D

Stranger: hahaha ur such a nice older brother :)

You: maybe I am.

You: I drive her to school everday

Stranger: :) thats adorable

You: :)

You: I hope you'll have little cute daughters

Stranger: :) i do 2 i dont think i can handle a 3 year old boy running aroung

Stranger: **around

You: ahah :)

You: I think so

Stranger: i could not handle that

You: you'll see that in the future

Stranger: hahaha

You: do you thinking of gettin married?

Stranger: i don't know i've heard that i have commitment issues probably because of my parents but it would be nice to get married :)

Stranger: wat about you? you want to get married?

You: Why not If I can find somegirl that I can conspire

Stranger: yea i guess

You: ................

You: try to see my sister

You: copy the link

You: I hope you can

Stranger: oh my god she's adorable!!!!!

You: :)

Stranger: she is so so so cute

Stranger: :)

You: thanks.

Stranger: :)

You: she is having bath with his mum and crying because of the hot water I think :)

Stranger: ahaha i love little kids

You: ..........

Stranger: yea

Stranger: i have to go now :( but i had a really nice time talking to you :)

You: thanks

You: good bye

Stranger: bye :)

Çevrimdışı Symbol

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    • http://renault9.wordpress.net

Çevrimdışı VW_Passat

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Alıntı yapılan: hakanerdogan;77511
Boston Universitesinden 20 yaşında bi kız, kötü bi aile yaşantısı olmuş ama iyi muhabbet ettik :)

You benim.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello

You: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: 21 male

You: you?

Stranger: 20 female

You: where are you from

Stranger: usa

Stranger: you?

You: Turkey

Stranger: thats so cool!!

You: why?

Stranger: idk it just is lol

You: :)

You: where are you in USA?

Stranger: massachusetts

Stranger: so the east

You: ...................

Stranger: i love chicago its so pretty there

You: i don't know, I'll see :)

Stranger: i want to move there its clean and easy to figure outhow to get somewhere

You: yes they say

You: public transportation is good there

Stranger: yea it is

You: are you student?

Stranger: yea i go to BU

You: B..... University???

Stranger: sorry boston university

You: oh great

You: what do you study?

Stranger: art

Stranger: are you a student?

You: yep, University, I study economics

Stranger: thats cool

You: are you american?

Stranger: yea i am born in MA

Stranger: ..massachusetts

You: understand :)

Stranger: mhm so...

You: whats your name?

Stranger: grace

Stranger: wats urs?

You: Hakan, nice to meet you Grace

Stranger: nice to meet you hakan :)

You: never had a friend named like this before :)

You: do you live with your family

Stranger: haha me neither

Stranger: no i hate my family

You: why? this is not good :(

Stranger: well i grew up with 7 older brothers...not fun at all...and then my cousins lived next door and my grandparents were down the street and it was so crazy all the time

You: I understand. but it's no reason to hate your family

Stranger: well i was the youngest and when my parents got divorced everything when down the toilet

You: oh sorry to hear that

You: how old were you when they divorced

Stranger: 10 my brothers got into drugs and my mom became an alcoholic

You: oh my god.

You: I think you didn't deserve this

Stranger: yea it was bad so when i turned 18 i got the hell away from it

You: don't you visit them?

Stranger: every christmas and easter

Stranger: and sometimes during the summer

You: have you got a house?

Stranger: i have my dorm

You: :)

You: far f rom school?

Stranger: not really

You: they say that every American Uni student has a car. Do you have?

Stranger: yea its really crappy though but i'll licve

Stranger: **live

You: do you have a job?

Stranger: im a waitress

You: in which restaurant?

Stranger: legal seafood

You: ...............

Stranger: minnimum wage plus tips

You: how much is thi min. wage? 7$  ?

Stranger: yea $7

You: what time is it there?

Stranger: 3:11

Stranger: pm

You: what kind of art do you study? what will you do after you graduate?

Stranger: well im going to do an internship and i'm going to be a painter

You: good, I hope you'll be a succesful painter

Stranger: thanks :)

You: If you don't mind, do you have a facebook ?

Stranger: no i dont i dont have anything i dont even have a computer this is just my friends

You: okay. why don't you buy one? is expensive for you?

Stranger: yea i cant afford it

Stranger: :(

You: sorry to hear that. I hope you will buy

Stranger: haha thanks :)

You: do you have a boyfriend?

Stranger: yea i've been going out with him for 3 months

You: thats great

Stranger: do you have a girlfriend

You: splitted up

Stranger: aaww im sorry :(

You: nevermind

You: she was the gunpowder, I was the fire

You: (Turkish idiom)

Stranger: oh okay

You: What about your dad?

You: Don't you see him?

You: dont you  ask him to buy a laptop for you

Stranger: i havnt seen him since i was 10 he just walked out on us

You: such a shame.

Stranger: he was always a dick thi

Stranger: **tho

You: what was his job?

Stranger: well he was a bartender and so was my mom thats how they met but my dad got fired and he would drink and would start hitting us

You: must be a hard life

Stranger: yea it was but things are turning up :)

You: right, don't be like your family, I'm sure you won't.

Stranger: i will never be like my family

You: Have yu ever heard about Turkey ?

You: **you

Stranger: well i know its a country in europe...?

You: yep, between Europe and Asia.

You: both :)

Stranger: :) ahahaha wat about your family?

You: .......

You: ı have two little sisters

Stranger: thats cool

Stranger: oh hahaha that must be fun having two sisters

You: sure.

You: little one is 2 years old

Stranger: aaww :) cute

Stranger: wat about the other one

You: she is :)

You: the other one is 6 years old :)

You: just started to school

Stranger: aaww :) i always wanted a little sister

You: :)

You: sometimes they pisses me off

Stranger: yea i would imagine

You: I am 21, they are 2-6 ....

Stranger: ahaha do u have to play dolls with them?

You: sometimes...

Stranger: oh hahaha that must be fun

You: they get on me, hmmm think like riding a horse, ı am the horse

You: I hope I could tell :D

Stranger: hahaha ur such a nice older brother :)

You: maybe I am.

You: I drive her to school everday

Stranger: :) thats adorable

You: :)

You: I hope you'll have little cute daughters

Stranger: :) i do 2 i dont think i can handle a 3 year old boy running aroung

Stranger: **around

You: ahah :)

You: I think so

Stranger: i could not handle that

You: you'll see that in the future

Stranger: hahaha

You: do you thinking of gettin married?

Stranger: i don't know i've heard that i have commitment issues probably because of my parents but it would be nice to get married :)

Stranger: wat about you? you want to get married?

You: Why not If I can find somegirl that I can conspire

Stranger: yea i guess

You: ................

You: try to see my sister

You: copy the link

You: I hope you can

Stranger: oh my god she's adorable!!!!!

You: :)

Stranger: she is so so so cute

Stranger: :)

You: thanks.

Stranger: :)

You: she is having bath with his mum and crying because of the hot water I think :)

Stranger: ahaha i love little kids

You: ..........

Stranger: yea

Stranger: i have to go now :( but i had a really nice time talking to you :)

You: thanks

You: good bye

Stranger: bye :)

Hic birsey anlamadim ama bu kadar Ingilizcen varsa helal olsun :ok:
2010 Volkswagen Passat Variant Highline 2.0 TDI CR 140HP 6-Vites DSG (Tiptronik), Izlanda Grisi - Sedef Boya

Çevrimdışı AhmetH

  • Kahraman Üye
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    • İleti: 862
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Stranger: hey r u a girl with msn?

You: yeap

Stranger: wats your msn?

You: so do u want cam2cam

Stranger: sure

You: gofuckyourself@dickhead com
yok  abi  her dilde  ağzı bozukum  fena  bozarım birini sarmadı  insana  nasıl  denk  geldiniz  hayret :)
ip  den  dolayı mıdır  nedir  hep   abazaların arasına  atıyor

Çevrimdışı fenomen

  • OCTAVİA 1.6 FSİ 115 PS
  • Kahraman Üye
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    • İleti: 10534
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bende bu link hep bozuk çıkıyor veya sayfa görüntülenmiyor arap çıkarsa hoş beş ederim ing tarzanca usulu yaparım,veya anında google translate den olabilir belki.


  • Ziyaretçi
Alıntı yapılan: Symbol;77531
Seninle güzel zaman geçirmiş kız Hakan :)

Genelde çoğu :haha::haha: :p

Alıntı yapılan: AhmetH;77546
Stranger: hey r u a girl with msn?

You: yeap

Stranger: wats your msn?

You: so do u want cam2cam

Stranger: sure

You: gofuckyourself@dickhead com
yok  abi  her dilde  ağzı bozukum  fena  bozarım birini sarmadı  insana  nasıl  denk  geldiniz  hayret :)
ip  den  dolayı mıdır  nedir  hep   abazaların arasına  atıyor

Çok orjinal, aklıma skodacıya çaktığın cevap geldi :++::++:

Çevrimdışı remusmark

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bunun bide webcamlı olan versiyonu var ama  tavsiye etmiyorum istenmiyen şeylerle karşılaşa biliyorsunuz :D

Çevrimdışı mygokhan

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İlk denememde Koreli ile konuştum :) Turkey deyince hayran kaldı :D
2004 Skoda Fabia 1.2 HTP
2007 Skoda Roomster 1.2 HTP
2011 Skoda Fabia II 1.2 HTP  
2012 Fiat Doblo Cargo maxi 1.3 Mjet
2015 Ford Courier Van 1.5 TDCI

Çevrimdışı fenomen

  • OCTAVİA 1.6 FSİ 115 PS
  • Kahraman Üye
  • *****
    • İleti: 10534
    • Profili Görüntüle
selam kelam faslından sonra şöle bişi çıktı ne demek se;
 or save this log or send us feedback.

Çevrimdışı mygokhan

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Alıntı yapılan: fenomen;78176
selam kelam faslından sonra şöle bişi çıktı ne demek se;
 or save this log or send us feedback.

Kopmuş senin konuştuğun kişi hocam :D
2004 Skoda Fabia 1.2 HTP
2007 Skoda Roomster 1.2 HTP
2011 Skoda Fabia II 1.2 HTP  
2012 Fiat Doblo Cargo maxi 1.3 Mjet
2015 Ford Courier Van 1.5 TDCI

Çevrimdışı kadir_

  • Kısa Bir Ara..
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Şu an bi tane norveçli kızla kurdum arayı 17 yaşında msn felan gidiyo ama ing yetmiyo benim :D:D


  • Ziyaretçi
17 yaşında bir İsveçli kız ile konuştum ve hâla şoktayım .... Nası bi hayat tarzı ya! :(

Çevrimdışı kadir_

  • Kısa Bir Ara..
  • Yönetici
  • Kahraman Üye
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    • İleti: 9469
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Alıntı yapılan: hakanerdogan;78216
17 yaşında bir İsveçli kız ile konuştum ve hâla şoktayım .... Nası bi hayat tarzı ya! :(

Biz devam ediyoruz arkadaşla ama yarın 6:30 da mesi var yarım kaldı kız 17 yaşında h.içi okuyo h.sonuda otelde çalışıyomuş.

Çevrimdışı sagacity

  • Acemi Üye
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    • İleti: 52
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ilk iki denemem :)
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello

Stranger: f/m?

You: m

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Çırak Ustayı Sollamazsa Sanat Ölür,  Hatalı Sollarsa Çırak Ölür..